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From zero to hired! Meet our recruitment process

Raquel Cruz
Mariana Berga

January 05, 2024

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From zero to hired! Meet our recruitment process

A "see-through" journey

The time has come for us to introduce our candidate's journey. Before explaining what each phase entails, we would first like to highlight what candidates can expect from this journey and how it reflects our culture.

Humans at the center of our system!

First and foremost, we are human-centric and seek to do what is best for everyone. Human-centric means that people are at the core of who we are and how we make decisions. After all, our Imaginarees are our biggest asset. Therefore, knowing how they feel and their motivations and goals are all factors that truly matter to us.

This approach is vital at Imaginary Cloud. It not only applies to us but is also extended to everyone we are in touch with from the very first contact forward.

Fast (but not furious)

We have all been on the applicants' side, and we are well aware of how waiting for any reply can be dreadful. We are not as fast as the speed of light, but we do provide a smooth and fast ride to all candidates, from interns to seniors.

In 90% of the cases, our entire recruitment journey is completed within two weeks. This time frame allows us to carefully assess each phase of the candidate's journey without missing out on important information. Plus, it also provides a better experience to the candidates, who knows what to expect and when.

The Sky is Clear

For a good and fun take-off, we like to ensure our journey is free from misunderstandings and ambiguous clouds. Hence, we aim to be clear and transparent at all times. How do we do that? Well, there are some principles our journey must follow:

1. Ground Control reports the journey
All applicants can count on feedback after each phase, typically provided by email or phone. No major is left adrift at space, and candidates can rely on "Ground Control" (aka the People department) to provide input regarding how the mission is going.

"This is Ground Control to Major Tom
You've really made the grade
And the papers want to know whose shirts you wear
Now it's time to leave the capsule if you dare"
- Space Oddity, by David Bowie

2. Track the Space Stations
Our platform also allows everyone to follow what is going on from the second the application is sent. This way, candidates can track how far along the journey they are and what to expect from the next steps.


The Candidate's Journey


Every Imaginaree has been through the same expedition. Despite the different departments that integrate Imaginary Cloud, our candidates' journey is transversal to the entire team. This does not mean that everything is 100% the same. Naturally, the technical assessments are tailored to each job position and consider the maturity level required (but more on that later).

Nonetheless, the journey follows the same structure and has a similar duration. This helps us ensure that the recruitment is fair, coherent, and aligned with our hiring principles.

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Three is the Ideal Number

As Pythagoras - one of the greatest mathematicians and philosophers from ancient Greece - argues, three is the "ideal number" since it expresses a beginning, a middle, and an end. Curiously, it also represents the number of stages our candidates' expedition entails. Was this on purpose? Not really. To be fully honest, Pythagoras was not the first thing that came to our mind when we were developing our recruitment journey. Yet, it does make sense for us that it consists of three stages. Here is what to expect:

1. Short Technical Assessment

This phase is the first time we get to engage in a conversation with potential future colleagues. It starts with a brief hello and introduction from both parts. Afterward, it discusses how knowledgeable a person is about the job description while simultaneously assessing how comfortable the candidate is about operating in a particular field. The aim is to comprehend through straightforward questions how the applicant's expertise matches the role. Usually, this phase takes more or less 30 minutes and is with someone from the department that the candidate is applying to.

2. Come as you are!

The second phase determines how much of a fit we are, and this works both ways! In other words, it is not just about how we think the candidate is or not a good fit to join the team, but it is also an opportunity for the applicant to get to know us better and to discover what it is like to be an Imaginaree. Therefore, despite not including any technical questions, this phase is just as vital as any other. In fact, the three stages are equally important since they are all eliminatory.

The most important thing to keep in mind at this phase is to be genuine. We expect our candidates to come as they are in order to understand how compatible both are. As mentioned, we follow a human-centric approach that considers what is best for everyone. In that sense, we aim to ensure that Imaginary Cloud's goals are aligned with our Imaginarees' professional and personal objectives, and vice-versa.

This phase typically lasts about an hour, and it is carried out by someone from the People department, which is highly committed to providing a positive work environment.

3. Technical Proficiency

Finally, we have reached the last phase. At this point, we will assess how proficient, in terms of technical skills, the applicant is. This stage typically consists of an exercise that is developed according to what is expected from the job role in question.  Further, it helps us understand how the candidate likes to work and make decisions.

On average, the exercise is expected to take two hours to complete. The duration of this task enables us to gather information about the candidate's technical proficiency without compromising their entire day. This phase is usually conducted by one of our seniors.

The Landing!

Completing the three stages is a big achievement! Once the journey is concluded, it is time to take a deep breath and make challenging decisions!

If the three stages have gone well and we were able to identify a promising and positive addition to our team, then the next step is the job offer. An important aspect that we would like to highlight is that candidates can count on feedback at the end and in between every phase of the journey despite the outcome.

Once the offer is presented, it is up to the applicant to make the final decision! If everything goes right and the candidate also feels that we are a good fit, then the team would be thrilled about welcoming a new member.

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As mentioned, most of us (not to say all) have been in the candidates' shoes. We know how stressful the waiting can be and how important it is that both sides genuinely get to know each other. Therefore, our journey was designed to ensure that all candidates have a good, fast, and transparent experience. Further, we also aim to provide a process that is aligned with our values and gives candidates the time and space to express themselves as they truly are.

With those thoughts in mind, we developed a journey that integrates three stages: (1) Short Technical Assessment; (2) Come as you are; (3) Technical Proficiency. These stages are equally important, and each is eliminatory. Despite the possible outcomes, all candidates are provided with feedback after the completion of each stage. Plus, in 90% of the cases, the entire journey (including the three phases and the landing step) is concluded within two weeks.

Last but not least, the people that are part of Imaginary Cloud are the reason behind our achievements, and we are delighted to work with them. They have all successfully been through the same candidate's journey, yet every single one of them is unique. That said, there is no scientific formula; this is not supposed to be a burden but rather an opportunity for both sides to assess if they are a fit.

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Raquel Cruz
Raquel Cruz

I care about how experiences shape peoples’ journeys, and I like meeting new people. Plus, I enjoy learning, and I’m a cat lover who seeks to explore the world!

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Mariana Berga
Mariana Berga

Marketing intern with a particular interest in technology and research. In my free time, I play volleyball and spoil my dog as much as possible.

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