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Top 10 Tech Stacks for Software Development in 2024

Alexandra Mendes
Tiago Franco

April 19, 2024

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Top 10 Tech Stacks for Software Development in 2024

Technology stack

For a better technology stack meaning, it consists of two primary components: a frontend stack and a backend stack.

Frontend stack

The frontend stack consists of the tools and technologies used to develop the user interface of a software application. This includes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and frontend frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js.

Backend stack

The backend stack, on the other hand, includes the tools and technologies used to develop the server-side of a software application. It includes languages like PHP, Python, Ruby, and Java, along with backend frameworks like Laravel, Django, and Ruby on Rails.

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How can a software stack impact your application development

The stack you select can have a significant impact on the development of your application. A software stack includes all the technologies and tools required to develop an application, from the programming language to the operating system, database, and web server. The tech stack chosen can impact many aspects of the application development process, from development speed to final product quality and scalability.

  • Ease of use: It is one of the most important ways to influence your application development. If you're new to programming, an easier-to-learn-and-use tech stack can help you get started faster and produce results faster. However, if you're an experienced developer, a more complex stack with advanced features may be required to build the type of application you envision.
  • Speed and performance: It can also have an impact on application development. Some stacks are optimised for speed and can aid in the development of your application. Others are built for scalability, allowing your application to handle many users and data without stuttering. The specific requirements of your project will determine the stack you choose.
  • The tech stack you choose: It can also have an impact on the quality of your final product. Some stacks have better testing and debugging tools, making detecting and correcting errors easier. Others have more robust security features, preventing hacks and data breaches. Choosing a tech stack with good quality control tools can help you catch and fix issues early in development, saving you time and money in the long run.
  • Technical debt: When choosing a tech stack, it is critical to consider the long-term consequences of technical debt. Technical debt is the cost and inefficiency caused by taking shortcuts or making trade-offs during development, such as using outdated or incompatible technologies. For example, a simple stack to use and implement in the short term may require more maintenance and updates in the long run, resulting in higher costs and slower development. Alternatively, a more difficult-to-implement stack may provide greater scalability and flexibility in the long run, reducing technical debt and ensuring a smoother development process.
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Tech stack components explained

Every software project is different, and the technology you choose to use can greatly affect how successful it will be. Understanding the key components of a tech stack is the first step towards a successful venture:

  • User Interface (UI): A pivotal player in user interactions, UI covers all visible and interactive elements on a digital platform. Crafting an intuitive UI can elevate user engagement rates by up to 200%, vastly enhancing the user experience to leave a lasting impression.
  • Programming Languages: As the bedrock of web and mobile development, they lay the foundation for your project. Each language wields unique strengths, such as Python for machine learning and Java for mobile applications. JavaScript remains the top pick among developers, boasting widespread popularity.
  • Frameworks: These versatile software libraries streamline the creation of reliable applications by offering a solid development structure. Frameworks can reduce coding time, enabling developers to devote more time to crafting the perfect application logic.
  • Runtime Environment: Crucial for executing applications, the runtime environment determines the behaviour and performance of your software. Various environments offer unique benefits and features, such as Node.js for JavaScript and Java Runtime Environment (JRE) for Java.
  • Servers: Overseeing data management and transmission, servers are indispensable in the world of web apps since they ensure smooth operations on a consistent basis.
  • Databases: At their core, databases serve as organised data collections designed for efficient storage, manipulation, and retrieval. Oracle is the most widely used DBMS.
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Best software development stacks

Now that we understand the importance of choosing the right technology stack let's look at some of the best software development stacks.

Here are ten stacks that stand out for their effectiveness, scalability, and performance:

1. LAMP stack

The LAMP stack is a popular tech stack for software development. It consists of four main components: Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP.

Linux is an open-source operating system that provides a stable and secure platform for development. Apache is a widely used web server that supports various programming languages and is known for its flexibility and scalability. MySQL is a robust and dependable database management system allowing quick and efficient data retrieval. PHP is a server-side scripting language that is widely used for web development.

The LAMP stack is well-known for its simplicity, adaptability, and low cost. LAMP allows developers to create dynamic, interactive web apps that are simple to maintain and scale. It is an excellent choice for web developers who are just starting or working on small to medium-sized projects.

But there may be better options for large-scale projects requiring high scalability and performance. There may be better options for complex projects that necessitate specialised knowledge.

Overall, its ease of use, flexibility, and affordability make it a popular choice among developers around the world.

Real-World Example:

WordPress, the backbone of over 40% of all websites on the internet, operates on the LAMP stack. This technology stack provides the necessary versatility and robustness for WordPress to manage a wide array of functionalities, from simple blogs to complex websites.

2. ASP.NET stack

ASP.NET is a popular technology stack for software development. It is widely used for building dynamic and robust web applications. It is a server-side web app framework that works with the Microsoft .NET platform.

Scalability, performance, and security are all key features of ASP.NET. It provides a comprehensive set of tools and libraries that make it easy for developers to build complex web apps quickly and efficiently. The framework is designed to support many languages, including C# and Visual Basic. It seamlessly integrates with other Microsoft technologies such as Azure, SQL Server, and Visual Studio.

ASP.NET offers several advantages over other technology stacks. For example, it performs better than traditional web technologies like PHP and LAMP. It is also more scalable and can handle a high traffic volume without compromising performance. Additionally, ASP.NET offers robust security features, making it a preferred choice for applications requiring high-security levels.

However, ASP.NET can be complex and requires specialised expertise to use effectively. It also has a steeper learning curve compared to other web development frameworks. Furthermore, it is a Microsoft technology, so it may not be the best choice for developers who prefer open-source platforms.

Real-World Example:

Stack Overflow, a vital resource for developers worldwide, uses the ASP.NET stack to handle millions of user queries and interactions efficiently. The stack provides the scalability and performance necessary for real-time data processing and display.

3. MEAN stack

MEAN stack is another popular technology stack for software development. It is a free and open-source tech stack, and its components include MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, and Node.js. This stack is known for its versatility and flexibility, making it an excellent choice for developing dynamic and real-time applications.

MongoDB is a NoSQL database that stores data in the form of documents, and it is highly scalable and easily manageable. Node.js is a server-side JavaScript runtime designed to build scalable and high-performance applications. Express.js is a powerful and lightweight framework for building web applications in Node.js. AngularJS is a client-side JavaScript framework that simplifies the development of single-page applications.

One of the key advantages of the MEAN stack is its ability to use JavaScript on both the client and server sides, which reduces the need for developers to switch between different programming languages. This makes it easier to write, test, and deploy applications and maintain and scale them.

MEAN stack is an excellent choice for developing real-time web apps like chat apps, gaming apps, and collaborative tools. It is also great for building single-page and mobile apps using Ionic and NativeScript.

Real-World Example:

YouTube incorporates the MEAN stack for specific features to enhance real-time user engagement and video interactions. This stack enables seamless updates and interactive experiences without reloading the page.

4. MERN stack

The MERN stack is a well-known and powerful software development stack for creating dynamic web applications. It comprises four technologies: MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js. Each technology contributes significantly to the development of a robust and scalable application.

MongoDB is a document-oriented NoSQL database that offers scalability and flexibility for data storage and retrieval. It stores data in a JSON-like format, making it simple to work with and integrate with other technologies.

Express.js is a Node.js web application framework that is lightweight and flexible, and it is used to create server-side web apps. It provides a simple and intuitive API for creating HTTP servers and handling requests and responses.

React is a popular frontend library for creating dynamic user interfaces. It offers comprehensive tools for creating reusable components, managing state, and handling events. React employs a virtual DOM, allowing quick and efficient UI updates.

Node.js is a server-side JavaScript runtime used to build scalable and high-performance applications. It has an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that allows it to handle large volumes of requests quickly and efficiently.

MERN stack is an excellent choice for developing modern and dynamic web applications due to combining these four technologies. MERN stack applications are highly scalable, performant, and easy to maintain. Additionally, a large and active community of developers and users contribute to the stack's growth and development, making it a reliable and future-proof choice for web development.

Real-World Example:

Netflix uses the MERN stack for its front-end user interface to deliver high-performance streaming experiences. This technology combination helps Netflix manage vast amounts of user data and customize interfaces dynamically.

5. MEVN stack

The MEVN stack is a well-known technology stack made up of four powerful technologies: MongoDB, Express.js, Vue.js, and Node.js. MEVN is used to build robust and scalable web applications, especially those requiring real-time data streaming and dynamic user interfaces.

MongoDB is a NoSQL database that stores data in a document-based format. It is highly scalable and provides flexible data modelling options. Express.js is a minimalistic and flexible web application framework enabling developers to build robust APIs quickly. Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework for creating complex user interfaces. Finally, Node.js is a JavaScript runtime environment that allows developers to write server-side code in JavaScript.

One of the most significant advantages of the MEVN stack is that it enables developers to build web applications using a single language – JavaScript. This means that developers do not have to switch between different programming languages while building other application parts, which can save time and reduce development costs. Additionally, the MEVN stack is highly modular, which makes it easy to add new features and functionalities to the application.

Another advantage of the MEVN stack is its easy deployment and scalability. You can quickly deploy applications built using the MEVN stack on cloud platforms such as AWS, Google Cloud, or Microsoft Azure. These cloud platforms provide a scalable infrastructure that can handle millions of users without compromising performance.

However, the MEVN stack has its challenges. One of the main challenges is that it is relatively new compared to other stacks like LAMP and Ruby on Rails, which means fewer resources and documentation are available online. Additionally, the MEVN stack is unsuitable for building large-scale enterprise applications requiring complex architectures.

Real-World Example:

Alibaba uses the MEVN stack for certain e-commerce interface functionalities that require real-time data interactions and user interface updates. The stack allows Alibaba to handle heavy traffic volumes and provide dynamic web pages efficiently.

6. Ruby on Rails stack

Ruby on Rails (RoR) is a popular open-source web application framework that uses the Ruby. RoR has gained popularity over the years for its "convention over configuration" approach, which allows developers to focus more on the application logic rather than the configuration details.

The RoR stack includes the following components:

  • Ruby: a dynamic, object-oriented programming language
  • Rails is a web application framework that follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern.
  • SQLite or PostgreSQL: relational database management systems that RoR supports by default JavaScript, HTML, and CSS: RoR supports these web development technologies for creating user interfaces and web pages
  • RoR offers several benefits for development. First, it has a large and active community, which provides a wealth of documentation, tutorials, and plugins. RoR's modular design allows for easier maintenance and scalability, as developers can add or remove components as needed.

Furthermore, RoR's convention over configuration approach minimises the time developers spend on mundane configuration tasks, increasing development speed and reducing the likelihood of errors. This approach also helps make RoR applications more consistent and easier to read, which benefits collaboration and code maintenance.

Real-World Example:

AirBnB relies on Ruby on Rails for its application framework, enabling rapid development and scaling of its platform. This stack supports Airbnb's complex business logic and vast database management efficiently.

7. Python stack

Python is a general-purpose, high-level programming language widely used in software development. Python is frequently used for web development, scientific computing, data analysis, AI, and machine learning. It is well-known for its straightforward syntax, ease of use, and versatility, making it an excellent choice for novice and experienced developers.

Python is an interpreted language, which means that code written in it does not need to be compiled before it can be executed. Because code can be modified and run quickly, it is a fast language to develop in. Python also has an extensive pre-written code library, allowing developers to complete projects more quickly. Django and Flask are two of the most popular Python web frameworks.

Python's emphasis on readability and simplicity is one of its most significant advantages. The language intends to be simple to read and write, with a syntax that minimises the code required to complete a task. Python is, therefore, an excellent choice for beginning programmers.

Python's stack allows it to be used with a wide range of technologies, including both frontend and backend technologies. Python is compatible with popular frontend technologies such as React and Vue and backend technologies such as Django and Flask. Python's flexibility makes it an excellent choice for developers creating complex, feature-rich applications.

Real-World Example:

Pixar, a leader in animation and film production, employs the Python stack extensively in its animation and rendering processes. Python is integral to Pixar's proprietary software, allowing for complex scripting and automation that streamline the creation of animated sequences. This usage showcases Python's flexibility and capability in handling high-level programming tasks essential for dynamic and intricate animation work.

Find out the differences in web development between Ruby vs Python.

4 things to remember when choosing a tech stack for your web development project

8. Java stack

Java is another widely used language for enterprise-level applications that has been around for decades. It has a large developer community and a plethora of libraries, tools, and frameworks that help to simplify the development process.

The Java stack comprises three components: Java, the Spring framework, and a database system. Java is a platform-independent object-oriented programming language, meaning the code can run on any machine, regardless of the operating system. Spring is a popular Java framework that enables the development of enterprise applications in a modular and lightweight manner. It includes modules for web development, security, data access, and testing. Java developers can also use a variety of database systems, such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle.

Java is well-suited to developing large-scale applications that require high performance and scalability. Java also has robust security features, making it a popular choice for sensitive data applications.

On the other hand, it can have a steep learning curve for new developers. It also necessitates more resources than other stacks, affecting overall development time and cost.

Real-World Example:

Tesla uses the Java stack to manage its vast data streams and vehicle software systems. Java’s robustness and scalability are crucial for Tesla’s backend operations, where it supports vehicle telemetry, data analysis, and the integration of user interfaces in car touchscreens. Java’s platform independence is particularly beneficial for Tesla, allowing seamless updates across different hardware configurations.

9. Serverless stack

The latest trend in software development is serverless architecture, which eliminates the need for developers to worry about infrastructure and server management. This architecture allows the developer to concentrate solely on the application code rather than the infrastructure that supports it.

A serverless stack is a novel approach that enables the development of scalable and cost-effective applications without dedicated servers. You accomplish this through cloud computing services such as AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, and Azure Functions.

The serverless architecture is based on the Functions as a Service (FaaS) concept, which divides the application into small, discrete functions you can execute on demand. Specific events, such as user requests, trigger these functions, which then run and return a response. Because the functions are only performed when required, you do not have to pay for unused server resources, making the serverless stack very cost-effective.

Aside from cost savings, the serverless stack offers excellent scalability. The cloud provider automatically scales the application up or down based on the number of requests. This means you won't have to deal with traffic spikes or manage server resources during peak times.

One of the most significant advantages of the serverless stack is its flexibility. Because the cloud provider manages the infrastructure, you can quickly adapt to changes in user demands or business requirements without worrying about the underlying infrastructure.

However, it is essential to note that the serverless stack may only be appropriate for some types of applications. For example, if your application necessitates long-running processes, you may need to consider other alternatives. Furthermore, because the serverless stack is based on cloud computing services, you may experience latency issues if your application requires high responsiveness.

Real-World Example:

Figma, a pioneering platform in collaborative design, utilizes serverless architecture to handle its dynamic scaling needs and real-time collaboration features efficiently. By leveraging serverless technologies, Figma can manage numerous simultaneous user sessions and data interactions without a hitch, ensuring seamless user experience across the globe. This approach helps Figma maintain performance during peak usage times without the need for extensive server management.

10. Flutter for Web

Google's Flutter is an open-source mobile application development framework. However, it has advanced recently, and now you can use it for web development. Flutter for Web is a new web development trend that has gained popularity due to its unique features and benefits.

Flutter for Web enables developers to create visually appealing, high-performance, responsive web applications across multiple platforms. It shares the same codebase as the mobile app, making development faster and more efficient. Flutter for Web also includes a modern and intuitive user interface that is simple to use and navigate.

One of the key advantages of using Flutter for Web is that it allows developers to create web apps that look and feel like native mobile apps. Flutter for Web enables developers to use pre-built widgets, simplifying and accelerating web application design and development. It also has hot-reload functionality, which allows developers to see real-time changes to the code.

Flutter for Web is an excellent choice for creating complex, interactive web applications. It includes a set of powerful and adaptable tools for creating UI layouts and animations that can be tailored to the needs of a specific project. Furthermore, Flutter for Web allows developers to integrate with third-party APIs and services, making it a flexible option for developing web apps that require data from multiple sources.

Real-World Example:

Google Ads, Google's online advertising platform, utilizes Flutter for Web to provide a sophisticated and efficient user interface for advertisers to manage campaigns. By leveraging Flutter for Web, Google Ads offers a consistent experience across devices, ensuring that features and performance match across desktop and mobile. This approach not only streamlines development with a unified codebase but also enhances user engagement by providing a responsive and intuitive interface.

Tips for choosing your tech stack

Choosing the right tech stack for your web and mobile development project can be challenging. There are several factors to consider before making the final decision.

Here are some essential tips that you should consider when choosing your technology stack:

1. Define project size, complexity, and functionality: Before selecting a technology stack, you must have a clear understanding of your project's size, complexity, and functionality. Make sure you choose a stack that meets your project's requirements. If your project is small and straightforward, you can go for a lightweight stack, while a more significant project may require a more comprehensive and robust stack.

2. Scalability requirements: Scalability is an essential factor when selecting a technology stack. If your project has the potential to grow, you must choose a tech stack that can scale with your project's growth. Select a stack that can handle high-traffic volumes and large datasets.

3. Technology & Team expertise: Choosing a technology stack your team is familiar with is crucial. If your team has expertise in a particular technology, consider choosing one that includes that technology. This will save you time and resources in training your team on new technology.

4. Time to market: Time to market is critical to software development. If you need to launch your project quickly, you must choose a tech stack that enables you to develop and deploy your project quickly. Make sure you choose a stack that allows you to build and launch your project quickly.

5. Security requirements: Security is a critical concern in software development. You must choose a tech stack with robust security features to protect your application and its users' data. Make sure you choose a stack that follows the best security practices and has a secure track record.

6. Maintenance: Maintenance is an essential aspect of software development. You must choose a technology stack that is easy to maintain and has a large community of developers who can help you with any issues. Make sure you choose a stack that is stable and has good documentation.

7. Development cost: The development cost is a crucial factor to consider when choosing a technology stack. Make sure you choose a stack that fits your budget and offers good value for money. Consider the cost of licenses, hosting, and maintenance when choosing your stack.

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What should be your next step?

After considering all the factors mentioned above, you should clearly know which technology stack best fits your project. Your next step is to start the development process, but before that, there are a few things you should do:

1. Plan the development process: Now that you have chosen the technology stack, it's time to plan it. Determine the project scope, set timelines and milestones, and allocate resources accordingly.

2. Build the team: Depending on the size and complexity of your project, you may need to hire additional developers or technical experts. Make sure to build a team that has the necessary skills and experience to deliver the project.

3. Set up the development environment: Set up the development environment by installing the necessary software, tools, and libraries. Ensure the environment is configured correctly and all team members can access it.

4. Develop the MVP: Develop the Minimum Viable Product (MVP). This will help you validate the idea and get feedback from users. Once you have a working MVP, you can add more features and functionalities.

5. Test and deploy: Test the application thoroughly to ensure it is bug-free and works as intended. Once satisfied with the results, deploy the application to the production environment.

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Final thoughts

Choosing the right tech stack is crucial for the success of your software development project. There are many factors to consider, including project size, complexity, scalability, team expertise, time to market, security requirements, maintenance, and development cost.

In 2024, the software development landscape is changing rapidly, and new technologies are emerging every day. As a software developer, it is essential to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies and choose the best stack for your project.

But remember, choosing the right stack is just the beginning; the real challenge lies in developing a quality application that meets the needs of your users.

So, take your time, research, and choose the best stack that aligns with your project goals and requirements. With the right technology stack and development team, you can build unique software that solves real-world problems and delights your users. Here you can find out how Imaginary Cloud builds user-centric websites, web and mobile applications

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Q: What is a tech stack?
A: A technology stack, often called a tech stack, is a set of programming languages, tools, software libraries, databases, servers, and interfaces used to build a web or mobile application.

Q: How do I choose a tech stack?
A: Choosing the right tech stack depends on several factors, such as the complexity of your project, the experience of your team, your budget, and your project timeline. Other considerations should include the stack's scalability, performance, and community support. Using the expertise of a skilled team, like Imaginary Cloud, can simplify this process.

Q: What is the most popular full-stack?
As of 2024, the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js) remains one of the most popular full stacks among developers. Its popularity stems from the widespread use of JavaScript across the stack, allowing developers to use a single programming language for both client- and server-side development. React's component-based architecture facilitates the development of reusable UI components, making it a preferred choice for dynamic web applications.

Q: What is the best tech stack of 2024?
A: It will be essential to consider factors like scalability, maintainability, and the specific needs of the project when choosing a tech stack. As trends evolve, so do the preferred tech stacks, but the focus will likely remain on stacks that promote rapid development, scalability, and performance.

Q: What tech stack is best for scaling?
For applications that require high scalability, cloud-native tech stacks that leverage serverless computing and microservices architectures are considered the best. Technologies such as Kubernetes for container orchestration and serverless functions (AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, Azure Functions) offer immense scalability and flexibility. They allow applications to handle varying loads efficiently by automatically managing the scaling of resources. Additionally, using databases that support horizontal scaling, such as MongoDB or Cassandra, can further enhance an application's ability to scale.

Q: What tech stack should I learn in 2024?
In 2024, aspiring developers should focus on learning versatile tech stacks in demand and backed by solid communities. The MERN stack is an excellent choice for full-stack web development, offering a cohesive development experience from front end to back end. Flutter, with Dart, is advisable for those interested in cross-platform mobile app development due to its growing popularity and support from Google. Learning cloud-native development with serverless technologies such as AWS Lambda or Google Cloud Functions is recommended, as the industry is moving towards more scalable and cost-efficient cloud solutions.

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Alexandra Mendes
Alexandra Mendes

Content writer with a big curiosity about the impact of technology on society. Always surrounded by books and music.

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Tiago Franco
Tiago Franco

CEO @ Imaginary Cloud and co-author of the Product Design Process book. I enjoy food, wine, and Krav Maga (not necessarily in this order).

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